They make use of the wood fragments from the excavation to create a wall in the cavity. The primary builders are the males, but the females help in the completion of their oblong nest. Like other woodpeckers, the pileated woodpeckers roost and nest in dead trees. And the scarcity of natural food sources drives them to visit yard feeders. They forage for meals in trees and on the ground. Pileated woodpeckers love carpenter ants and other insects, as well as berries, fruits, and nuts. They are mostly black in color, with scarlet head “mohawks”, and a white bar running through the throat. This bird species has a length of 40-49cm, wingspan of 66-75cm, 14-17.4” long tail, and 7.9-14.1oz weight. The base of their nest is made of wood chips, and the cavity itself has a circular design and a depth of 22-32cm.Ī pileated woodpecker is the biggest bird in the family of Picidae. In every breeding period, they may come back to the same tree, pole, or post to dig another hole for nesting. Red-bellied woodpeckers build their nests in dead trees, poles, dead branches of live trees, and fence posts. And they thrive on insects, fruits, seeds, and nuts. Red-bellied woodpeckers are loud birds with calls such as “thrraa-thrraa-thrraa”, “churr-churr-churr”, and “br-r-r-r-t”.
Plus, they have a crimson head patch that makes them more attractive. They have a black and white pattern on their wings and back and pale gray faces. Red-bellied woodpeckers are MD woodpeckers that, though named as such, the scarlet patch on their bellies are not entirely visible. Downy woodpeckers don’t waste the wood fragments from excavating, since they utilize them as base for their nest.

Nest construction by mating pairs is completed after three weeks, with a measurement of 6-12” depth and 1-1.5” width.
They’re easier to excavate, plus they harbor plenty of insects. And in the cold months, they usually visit yard feeders, especially when they see peanuts and suet.ĭowny woodpeckers always build their nests in soft trees, particularly dead ones. They also have spotted wings and a black tail.ĭowny woodpeckers feed primarily on insects, but they are also fond of berries and seeds. The black hue covers the wings and upper of this woodpecker, while their stomach, throat, and back are white. They measure 14-18cm long, with a wingspan of 25-31cm, bills at 1-1.8cm, tails at 1.6-2.4”, and these birds weigh 20-33g. The downy woodpecker is the smallest woodpecker in Northern America. This bird breed uses wood fragments as a bed inside the hole and raises its baby birds there. They choose to excavate their cavities 100’ from the earth, and the 2-3” entrances face the south or west direction. The red-cockaded woodpeckers opt to create holes for nesting in live trees with fungus. But they also munch on berries, fruits, and corn earworms. The red-cockaded woodpeckers survive by feeding on ants, spiders, caterpillars, beetles, wood-boring insects, and cockroaches. They can easily be identified thanks to their black cap and of course, the signature black and white pattern. These are small birds with a length of 7.1-9.1”, wingspan of 13-16”, and weight of 40-56g. There are eight types of Maryland woodpeckers, and one of the popular ones are the red-cockaded woodpeckers. Binomial name – Leuconotopicus borealis.